blog_img Things You Can Do to Take Care of Your Invisalign Clear Aligner Trays

How to Care for Your Invisalign Aligners?

Invisalign clear aligner trays are an alternative for traditional braces used to straighten your teeth. They are made to fit either your top or bottom teeth or both, depending on the teeth that need straightening.

They are meant to stay on your teeth for about 21 hours daily, which means they are safe to have on as you sleep. They are transparent, which makes them aesthetically pleasing because they take to the natural color of your teeth.

Using invisalign does not involve as much discomfort as standard braces typically do. They are also easy to put on and take off in case you want to participate in any sport. The first few days after putting on Invisalign braces, you will feel some pressure and discomfort, which goes away as you get used to them.

If you want to keep your Invisalign clear aligners in tip top form, you’ll need to know how to maintain them. There are several tricks you can use to keep them looking good, and we’ll walk you through some important tips.

Thankfully, taking care of your aligners can be quite easy—simply follow these seven steps!

1. Get into the habit of cleaning your aligners regularly.

One of the best ways to take care of your Invisalign trays is to clean them often. Get yourself into the routine of cleaning them in both the mornings and evenings when you brush your teeth. To do so, use toothpaste and a soft toothbrush to gently scrub both of your aligners. This will help you to remove the bacteria from your aligners that could otherwise damage your teeth or even impact your health.

2. Avoid using abrasive materials when cleaning your aligners.

It is important that you do not use with soap, denture cleaner, or mouthwash to scrub your aligners. These ingredients can be a bit abrasive to the device and make them appear dull and less “invisible,” so they’ll be easier to see when you’re wearing them.

3. When you remove your aligners, make sure you rinse them.

Rinsing your aligners will help to remove the lingering saliva and plaque from them before you place them in their case. It is important to rinse them off even when you’re not at home—otherwise they can become a breeding ground for bacteria! Therefore, just make sure to find a sink or drinking fountain before you take them out.

4. Do not eat with your aligners in.

One of the best parts about Invisalign is that you can take them out as needed! It is particularly important that you remove them when you eat or drink—otherwise, you could accidentally damage or stain them. The only thing you can consume while still wearing your aligners is water.

5. Store your Invisalign aligners in their case.

Try to make a habit of always storing your aligners in their case. Whether you take them out for a meal or just to brush your teeth—into the case they go! Otherwise, you could risk damaging your aligners or even accidentally throwing them away. To keep them safe, just make sure you always have your case with you.

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